
Do you know how beneficial beetroots are or do you know beetroot?

Beetroot is a taproot vegetable meaning, its the root that is mostly eaten though the leaves can also be eaten too. It is a very nutritious plant and has been rated highly on the list of super foods.

Nutritional composition

Beetroot contains about 87% water, carbohydrates 8% and about 2-3% of fiber. Beetroot has more to it as follows:

136 g of boiled beetroot contains less calories(less than 55) while 100 g of beetroot contains way more nutrients as shown below;

Calories(43),Protein(1.6 g),Carbs(9.6 g), Sugar(2.8 g), Fiber(2.8 g) and Fat(0.2 g)

NOTE: It is better to consume beetroot raw than boiled.

Health benefits of beetroot

Improving blood pressure:
Beetroot contains large quantities of nitrates that the body converts to nitric oxide which dilates the blood vessels thus improving blood flow and as a result, blood pressure is regulated.

Detoxifying and reduce inflammation

Beetroot contains betalains. These compounds provide powerful antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and detoxification properties. Therefore, beetroot plays a good role in fighting inflammatory disease , give glowing skin and also protects the liver.

Preventing Anemia

Beetroots are rich in iron which is an essential component of red blood cells and without iron, red blood cells cannot transport oxygen in the body.

Boosting athletic performance

Compounds like betalains and nitrates are believed to improve athletic activity since nitrate increase blood flow and oxygen to the muscles.

Side effects of beetroots

Regular drinking of beetroot can change the colour of your urine and feces but this should not be of concern and its temporary.

Nitrates in beetroot lower blood pressure thus people with low blood pressure and are currently on medication should consult their doctor before incorporating beetroot in their diet.

High levels of oxalates in beetroot can cause kidney stones in people with high risk of this condition.

How to consume beetroot.

Beetroot can be consumed as a salad or juice.


Beetroot can be consumed combination of different fruits like apples, mangoes, pineapples,lemon,oranges and many more


Salads can be of different combinations like 
  • carrots,beetroot with fresh mint. 
  • carrots,tomatoes, onions and beetroot. 
  • Beetroot, avocado, onions and carrots. 
Enjoy yourself to a health beetroot salad or drink.


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